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Important disclaimer:

Weather Manila uses advanced numerical weather prediction softwares to generate information.

Weather Manila assumes no liability for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided.

Weather-Manila is always striving to improve the accuracy and relevance of the weather information provided in this website.

If you have any comments, suggestions or queries, we would like to hear from you.



Weather Maps

Today (Daytime)
Luzon rain weather map forecast Visayas rain weather map forecast Mindanao rain weather map forecast
Today (Nighttime)
Luzon rain weather map forecast Visayas rain weather map forecast Mindanao rain weather map forecast
Tomorrow (Daytime)
Luzon rain weather map forecast Visayas rain weather map forecast Mindanao rain weather map forecast
Tomorrow (Nighttime)
Luzon rain weather map forecast Visayas rain weather map forecast Mindanao rain weather map forecast
Day after next (Daytime)
Luzon rain weather map forecast Visayas rain weather map forecast Mindanao rain weather map forecast
Day after next (Nighttime)
Luzon rain weather map forecast Visayas rain weather map forecast Mindanao rain weather map forecast



Satellite Maps

Japan Meteorological Agency's (JMA) Himawari Satellite is a geostationary satellite, meaning it hovers on the same spot on Earth anytime, used for meteorological functions covering East Asia and the Western Paciific Ocean.  

Himawari provides information to more than 30 countries and territories in the region, including
1) imagery for monitoring the distribution/motion of clouds, 2) sea surface temperatures and
3) distribution of water vapor.

Click image below to see current satellite map.

Visible 2 channel SInfrared 1 channel
TInfrared 5 channel TInfrared 9 channel



Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential

TCHP North Western Pacific Ocean



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